I love my country, I may have been a fool. I opened my eyes, I don't like what's happening in our world. Soon I can do something about our country in time. I'm learning of a process, you are welcome to the same knowledge. It's how to correctly apply the Constitution as it's written. A change is coming and I've picked a side. I used to be blind I guess then about 6 years ago then I woke the hell up.. I saw some crap going on and changed my stance on the political landscape. Now it goes so much deeper than I'd ever thought again I was woke up. I'm preparing to be a change this country needs. The depth of the corruption is staggering. It seems more is uncovered on a daily basis. And it's coming from a few families that are behind this entire mess. I'll share it when I do. Feel free to follow me on this journey. I'm currently single. I'm not looking for that somebody. Wanting is different. She must be honorable, true, be what she wants in that someone special, you must possess exactly what you are looking for, so fake is completely out of the question. I'm not here to find her so troll right past me if that's your intentions. Being that they are not honorable. Feel free to say hello. But just know that if we do communicate. And you must be able to communicate. And be like minded. I'm not here to waist time mine or yours. Please take this as you will. Just be honest and real if you stop by and say hello.
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Joined 2 years ago